Strategic media planning & buying

At Decode, we provide integrated media services. From formulation of efficient and effective media plans to its implementation and evaluation; media plan at the best negotiated rates.

Integrated Media Services

After analyzing and evaluating various perspectives and media usage reports relevant to the product/ service category, we have developed a thorough understanding of media vehicles required to reach the targeted customers. With these resources and the accumulated knowledge, Decode designs media plans to offer communication strategies to the clients that are superior in terms of both cost and advertising success rate.

Most Effective Planning

We work this out by analyzing available data from various perspectives, preparing efficient media plans and evaluating the results of advertising.

Most Innovative Planning

It has worked out by combining message and media. This produces a well synergized communication that is creative and innovative

Most Responsive Planning

This is produced when client issues and consumer behavior related to media contact are all taken into consideration. This results in rational media strategies that are responsive.

Points to ponder in Media Planning

  • Clarity of Business Objectives
  • Situation Analysis
  • Right Media vehicles
  • Reach Frequency and continuity
  • Impact of Duplication
  • Incremental Reach
  • ROI

Decode Brand Strategy Model

We are (Marketing agency in chandigarh) in a competitive world which is in a state of flux; changing constantly. Technological advances and heightened media exposure are changing lifestyles. Decode Advertising offers Brand Management with the criteria of carrying the brand value of the past and to leverage upon the present and future with a 4I Model that includes Customer insight, Competition insight,Industry insight and Client insight. Through this model we develop an understanding of our "client's business", industry, brand, customers and their ever- changing needs.

Customer Insight

Helps craft a message that is relevant to the customer

Competition Insight

Helps work out a strategy that is helpful in positioning our brand vis-à- vis the competition.

Industry Insight

Helps draft a well informed strategy with an industry perspective

Client Insight

Helps prepare a strategy that is relevant to the client

Integrated Communication Design

The Science behind Art

The purpose of design is to support the brand strategy by being the face of it. The science behind our designs is to ensure that every single touch point that the brand uses to interact with its audiences is created to offer an integrated experience. We aim to engage audiences in fresh and innovative ways, and go beyond aesthetics to forge emotional connects. How we do it is the art bit of it.